Costas Charitidis (Greece)
Costas Charitidis is Professor at the School of Chemical Engineering of NTUA and Director of RNanoLab, est. 2006. He has extensive R&D experience through collaborations with international research centres in the context of more than 60 projects funded by the European Commission and National funds, in many of them as Coordinator. He is a referee in International scientific journals, evaluator & scientific advisor of R&D projects. He is the author of several scientific books, chapters in international textbooks, and more than 400 scientific publications in peer-reviewed international journals and conference proceedings and his work has received ~7800 citations (h-index 44).
Lex Bouter (The Netherlands)
Lex Bouter is Professor Emeritus of Methodology and Integrity at the Department of Epidemiology and Data Science of the Amsterdam University Medical Centers and the Department of Philosophy of the Faculty of Humanities of the Vrije Universiteit. He is involved research and teaching on research integrity and open science topics. He was appointed as tenured Professor of Epidemiology in 1992 and served his university as its rector between 2006 and 2013. Professor Bouter has supervised 78 PhD students, of whom to date 17 were appointed as professor. He is the founding chair of the World Conferences on Research Integrity Foundation.
Maura Hiney (Ireland)
Maura is Adjunct Professor of Research Culture in University College Dublin, and was previously a senior manager at the Health Research Board Ireland. She has been involved in advancing research integrity (RI) policy for many years, is Treasurer of the World Conference on RI Foundation and Co-chair of the 8th WCRI. She is on the Embassy of Good Science Foundation Board, Chair of the ALLEA Permanent Working Group on Science and Ethics, where she co-authored the European Code of Conduct for RI and was Vice-Chair of ENRIO until 2022. She sits on several EU Policy and Stakeholder Advisory Boards.